
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Things I Learned Today

This is not our first go in Beijing so you're not going to get a lot of "oh the buildings are beautiful, the architecture is fantastic" kind of lingo from me.  All of those things are true, and I may include some pictures of those things from time to time but...this time I'm noticing all sorts of things I didn't notice the first time.

1.  We are a spectacle.  At least 6 people were randomly taking pictures of us today and trying to hide that they were doing it.  When I would notice them they would wave and smile but still.  They were taking pictures of us.  It wasn't a "Oh lets take a picture of these Americans who are drinking Vitamin Water" kind of look we were getting.  It was a "who are these white people and why do they have this Chinese kid with them, and should we be worried about it?" kind of look.  None the less there are some Asians here that have pictures of us on their cameras and iphones.

2.  Chinese people will take any kind of food and put it on a stick.  I guess it looks more sophisticated if your lamb leg has a dagger through it so you can eat it while you walk down the street.  Less cave manish I think.  Today we saw scorpians, lamb legs, squid, something that looked like a sugar daddy with sesame seeds on it (which coinsedently has a stick in it), grapes on a stick, cantalope on a get the point.  Maybe its a last ditch resort to get your kid to eat something they don't want to eat kind of thing.  We might have broccoli on a stick when we get home.

3.  It is possible to lose 5 lbs totally by sweating.  It is so hot here that its almost impossible to not get sick from it.  I will not waste time putting on makeup tomorrow because its not gonna matter.  It will be gone 5 minutes after I walk out the door.  Lisa better get that ankle boot off before you come over here or you are gonna be miserable sister!  Trust me...when your six year old begs to go back to the hotel and take a nap...its hot.  

4.  McDonald's still has my favorite pie!!!!!  I LOVED these pineapples pies that they had when we came to adopt Grace!  Wouldn't you know it?  They are still selling them!!!  We had one today.  They. Are.  Fantastic.  They did not however have the fried banana pie.  Maybe somewhere else in China will.  

5.  It's ok to let your toddler walk down a major city street completely nude from the waste down.  And its totally ok to take a picture of it and plaster it all over the blog.  Oh yea.  And if he has to "go" while he's walking down the street....he'll go.  Better watch where you step.  

6.  Chinese parents hate the squeakies in the squeaky shoes as much as American parents.   Didn't get a picture of it today but I saw two kids whose squeaky shoes were missing the squeakers.  Except for the little naked guy.  He had on squeaky shoes and his were just a squeaking.  

7.  We will totally waste money on anything we think is cool enough.  We paid $12 bucks for a wooden frog today that makes a the ribbet sound when you scrap the stick over him the right way.  It's pretty cool.  Grace loves it!

Overall, great day today.  We are at the hotel now resting up.  We feel great considering the time change.  Much better this time than last.  This afternoon we may take Grace down to the pool to swim.  Tomorrow is a big day!  Going to the Great Wall!!!  Enjoy the pics!!!  

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