
Monday, August 15, 2011

Long Live McDonalds!

If we have spoken by Facetime or Skype since we have been here then you have all heard the stories about how great we’re feeling, how the jet lag hasn’t been horrible, and how our stomachs have just been…well…great.  Not anymore my friends.  It hit us today fast and furious and we’re hoping tomorrow they will settle down a bit.  I really feel like it’s because we left the hotel at 8:30 this morning and didn’t come back until 8:30.  And it was hot.  Super hot.  The practicing for hell kind of hot.  We drank more water today than I believe we’ve drank in our entire lives and our once adventurous selves at lunch today had us begging for a chicken nugget tonight.  I’m so neauseas that I have resorted to taking out the $5 Coke Light (Diet Coke) out of the room fridge and am sipping on it.  I would still be drinking it if it were $10.  That’s how desparate I am.  Let’s take a look at today’s lunch…
There is rice of course.  Steamed rice which is a staple and shows up at every meal.  Then there was some pork dish which actually wasn’t that bad and reminded me of the lettuce wraps at P.F. Changs.  There was a beef, pepper dish which was ok and then there was Kung Po Chicken.  They also brought us Jasmine Tea.

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