
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Meeting Mr. Chapman....

So we met Steven Curtis Chapman! The ministry of this man has always been important to me. For various reasons. Too much to get in to trust me. The quick version is this. I was saved at a Steven Curtis Chapman event during the long haired, yellow blazer days when he was still singing in churches. It was then that I REALLY understood what it was that Christ did for me. I've never really gotten over it! Anyway, I really trusted the Lord that night at that concert. It is so weird to think of now that he is HUGE! In fact, there weren't even that many people there that night! Years later (and I do mean YEARS later) his ministry became important again through adoption. So important that now I support it! I believe I could completely wardrobe us with Show Hope merchandise if we could afford it! Don't dare me......

Now, Grace doesn't know all the build up to meeting him nor does she really know who he is except that he has little girls that look like her. They're Chinese so she says she knows them. Ha! She was more interested in showing him her ring pop and asking him if he would like one.

I am so glad that we were able to meet him and for the people who allowed this opportunity to happen.....I will always be thankful. Here's Grace and that man (as she calls him!)

Notice the ring pop is front and center. My favorite part of this story.....when he was leaving to go back to the bus before the show he walked back by us and said, "Bye Gracie." She, without thinking twice, ran up to him, ring pop and all, threw her arms around him and gave him the biggest, tightest hug. After getting over the fact that I thought David Trask (Steven's road manager) might have a heart attack that this was happening, Steven bent down and kissed Grace's head. What a love this man has for orphans! Please continue to pray for this family. They are still struggling with missing their little one and the tragedy that took her away from them. However, they are choosing everyday to SEE how the Lord can be glorified through this and how beauty truly can rise from ashes. When he walked away, for the last time Grace turned and said, "Mommy, who was that nice man?" SO, SO funny. Definately a lasting memory.

Oh yea. We also met Michael W. Smith. Whom Grace told very eloquently that she was a cute as a bellybutton. Cute huh?

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