Well today we have done absolutely nothing. We have stayed in the hotel. Mostly because it’s raining and everything we would go see is outside. So we slept in, ate breakfast, and then just came back and played. We also used this morning to catch up on our communication with home. We skyped, used facetime, and got to see lots of beautiful faces from home!!! Made us homesick a little more! Thank you so much for all your encouraging emails! We also painted toe nails, ate, watched a movie, ate again, colored with crayons, ate again, ate lunch, and then it was nap time. This kid eats all the time. And I mean alot!!!! We are hoping that will slow down with time. Today, I used nap time to have some quality time with Grace. We colored, made silly faces, and just caught up on some hugs. She is doing really good with having a new sister. But we are competing for attention and most often times it’s not in a good way. So getting in the extra time with her today was good. Tomorrow we go to the orphanage. Please pray about that. Not sure how little Lyla will handle it. And pray that I don’t snatch a few of those other kiddos up and bring them home!!!!

Mine and Grace's masterpieces....
Painting toe nails....
Good day....
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