
Monday, August 15, 2011

The Great Wall (August 12)

This is my all time favorite thing to do here.  The Great Wall.  I don’t really know why except that is one of the 7 wonders of the world and it’s just neat to see such an unbelievable part of history.  I forgot though about how horrible it is to climb it.  It is so steep!!!!  Brandon, Grace, and Lauren went all most to the top but I didn’t make it.  I had Jello legs about 2/3 of the way.  Here are some pictures from the day….

Carvings of Chinese into the brick on the wall…

And everyone wanted their picture made with us.  Which I found strange.  I think it’s because everyone was so inquisitive about us having a Chinese little girl…

My sister certainly wins the prize for the best pics of the day.  These are great!  Love the one with the kids in them.

This next one I love.  I would love to get a hold of the cheeks on this little guy!!!

After the wall we went and shopped a little.  Grace got her first piece of Jade.  Jade is very important here.  Everyone has a piece and its something you pass from generation to generation.  Here’s Grace’s piece up close…

I had a very good encounter on the wall today with a Chinese lady and her daughter.  It’s not unusual to see girls here in Beijing or in any other big city in China.  It’s in the smaller cities and villages that you really notice it.  But today on the wall there was a lady who looked like she was my age with her daughter.  She was hugging her and giving her water and the little girl was laughing.  This typically wouldn’t catch my attention but this little girl had down syndrome.  And her momma was loving all over her.  It truly made my heart happy to see this special needs baby being taken care of by her momma.  So great day here.  Tomorrow we fly from Beijing to Jinan and we will be in the same city as our daughter!  Every day I ask Grace what her favorite part of the day was.  And everyday she says, “It hasn’t happened yet.”  She is so excited about meeting Lyla.  There is alot on my heart that I want to share but I will wait.  Next post is from Jinan!!

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