Well...the last time I posted I believe was in August. I'm surprised I even have any readers left! There is so much that has happened since then. So many of them of noteworthy, but God has been at work in our family and the noteworthiness of our daily lives will simply have to wait. For now. Her news is more important. Many of you know we were adopting again and just as many of you were surprised when we got a referral so early! Brandon and I, for a long time, felt God calling us to adopt another special needs child. Grace is also a special needs child, diagnosed with seizure disorder. There is something special about these children. Every child is special, but special needs children are just, well, extra special. They seem to know what really matters in life (at an exceptionally young age) and let's face it. They can't help the way they are born. They are less than "perfect" in the world's eyes, but they are perfect to their heavenly father. And if they're perfect enough for him they're just right for us! So we came across our Lyla's file. Lyla is missing her right ear. That's it! Just born without it! The people God has blest us in giving their friendship, specialists in their field, gave their input and with the confirmation of the adoption clinic at Children's Hospital confirmed that Lyla's ear is strictly a comestic issue. It is the second leading birth defect right behind cleft lip, cleft palate. I will tell you at some point she will more than likely have a prosthetic ear. That should be an experience! She is healthy and normal otherwise. She has her left ear and normal hearing in that ear. So...it was then we decided that this little girl's file simply go back to China. WE WANTED HER!!!!! Isn't that amazing? She is now CHOSEN. She has a family. One that can't wait to bring her home to join our family. And here she is...

She looks a little mischecious doesn't she? Grace's referral photo looked the same way. Don't know what we'll do with 2 mischievious ones!
Now...we covet your prayers. Specifically, pray that God will go ahead and begin to prepare this little one for the transition into our family. Pray that she will find favor with the orphanage workers. Pray for NO EAR INFECTIONS in her left hear. We need that hearing to be the best that it can be!!!! And pray for Grace. That she will adjust to having a sister and having to share me and her daddy. And a room. And toys. And her house in general! She sleeps with Lyla's picture on the pillow beside her at night and doesn't understand why we can't just go get her! Also pray our paperwork will move quickly and that we will be able to travel mid summer to go and bring her home. We covet all the prayers we can get.
There are so many other things I want to tell you, but I will wait. Lyla deserves her own post. I'll be back later (but quicker this time) to tell you of the other miracles that have happened since August!!! Blessings.
P.S. I have no idea why my blogs and archives are so out of place on my blog! Got some blog organizing to do it seems!!!
Love your post. God always carries us through the hard times. We wonder why things happen the way they do but God has all the answers. All of you are in our prayers. God hand picked Lyla just for you and Brandon- two special people for a special little girl!! Love you all!!