Well....I knew this day would come eventually, but heaven knows I didn't think it would happen this fast. It just seems like yesterday that we were given this scared to death little girl. And in 4 short years here we are. Grace is beside herself with excitement and I am beside myself with the unknowns. What will she do all day? Who will she play with? Will she be sweet? Will other kids be kind to her? Have I taught her everything she needs to know before tomorrow? (Too late if I haven't!) OH Man! They don't prepare you for this part of parenting. The letting go part I mean. And even though I realize that I'm not sending her off to college and to conquer the world tomorrow, I realize how time has flown by and how precious every minute is. (Even though my wonderful husband has informed me that we will remember tomorrow on the day we drop her off at college. I could have hit him.) I so hope that kindergarten is everything she is hoping it will be. I pray God will surround her and protect her innocence as long as he sees fit. I pray he will give her friends that will be good for her and friends that she can be good for. Whatever he gives us.....I hope we handle it in a way that is pleasing. And now for one of the "first" firsts....one of our first glimpses of our larger than life kiddo.....

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